Gender: Mixed
Age: 12-18
Beds: 12
Primrose Ward is our CAMHS PICU ward for young people aged between 12 and 18. The service provides for young people primarily referred from CAMHS acute services who, in the context of a severe mental illness, exhibit a high level of risk that cannot be safely managed in a CAMHS general adolescent unit, and where the level of risk is not of a persistent nature that would require longer term care in a secure environment.
We offer a rapid response system, and aim to respond to referral requests within an hour of receiving appropriate clinical information.
“My son has been discharged from Primrose Ward, I truly and honestly cannot thank them enough. All staff…have gone above and beyond for us as a family. It’s heartbreaking having your child away from you but they’re outstanding. I can’t put into words how lovely everyone is.”Parent
There is a diverse educational programme teaching a range of subjects available at the on-site school, Excel and Exceed Centre, which is registered with the Department for Education.
Service User Profile
- Age 12-18
- Detained
- Diagnosis of:
- Psychosis
- Self-harm and/or suicidal ideation
- Depression or anxiety
- Emerging personality disorder
- Substance misuse – providing there is a primary diagnosis of a mental health problem
- Emotional, social and behavioural difficulties
- Borderline/mild learning disability as a secondary diagnosis
- Autism spectrum disorders, with a mental health primary diagnosis
- May be detained under the Mental Health Act or informal – a young person must be detained if they are being admitted to a PICU or low secure service
- May have a forensic history
Our Facilities
- En-suite bedrooms
- Spacious communal areas
- Outdoor sports areas
- Training kitchen to support skills development
- On-site Ofsted registered school
- IT Café