Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450
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Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450
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About Us

About Cygnet

Cygnet was established in 1988. Since then we have developed a wide range of health and social care services for young people and adults with mental health needs, acquired brain injuries, eating disorders, autism and learning disabilities within the UK.

Strategic Plan 2022 – 2027

Our Strategic Plan 2022-2027 sets out our priorities for the next five years and reflects our ambition to provide outstanding, safe, high quality services for every individual in our care.

2023 Impact Report

We are proud to introduce our latest Cygnet Impact Report which showcases our successes over the past 12 months and how we continue to improve the lives of those in our care.


On this page you can find a list of all the professional accreditations that our services have.


We have some amazing staff and teams who have been honoured with some incredible awards. Here is a list of our recent award wins and shortlistings.

Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG)

As a provider of healthcare and social care services, social responsibilities are at the core of what we do — each and every day. Find out more about our Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) goals.

Cygnet Supports STOMP

Cygnet has committed to the STOMP pledge – STOMP stands for Stopping the over-medication of adults and young people with a Learning Disability, Autism or both.

Quality Governance

Quality Governance is embedded within Cygnet. Service users’ experience is a primary measure of the performance of each unit and the company.

Safeguarding and Protection

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility: for services to be effective each person should play their part. This page includes links to Cygnet’s Safeguarding policies.

Health and Safety

For information about our approach to Health and Safety and for contact details for our Health and Safety lead please click here.