Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450
Social Care Referrals: Make a referral
Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450
Social Care Referrals: [email protected]

PICU / Acute

We offer a national network of more than 750 urgent admission beds, to meet the acute needs of adults requiring rapid access to mental health services, including those who may need an intensive care environment.

Our range of emergency admission services for adults include hospitals that can provide psychiatric intensive care and acute wards for individuals with mental health illness.

We have collaboratively created our model of care based on an integrated approach whereby family, service users, commissioners and carers are all involved in the rehabilitation and recovery of the individual.

Download our PICU / Acute Brochure
4.00 MB
Download our Model of Care for our PICU / Acute Services
114.23 KB
Download our Service Directory
3.93 MB

For more information on our emergency acute and PICU services please use the search filter below.