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Cygnet Supports STOMP

Cygnet has committed to the STOMP pledge – STOMP stands for Stopping the over-medication of adults and young people with a Learning Disability, Autism or both.

It is a health campaign that aims to improve the quality of life of people with a learning disability, autism or both by supporting providers to ensure they only receive psychotropic medication for the right reasons and in the right amount.

The aims of STOMP are to:

  • encourage people to have regular check-ups about their medicines
  • make sure doctors and other health professionals involve people, families and support staff in decisions about medicines
  • inform everyone about non-drug therapies and practical ways of supporting people so they are less likely to need as much medicine, if any.

It is estimated by Public Health England that on an average day in England between 30,000 and 35,000 people with a learning disability, autism or both are prescribed psychotropic medication without an appropriate clinical justification.

These medicines are right for some people. They can help people stay safe and well. Sometimes there are other ways of helping people so they need less medicine or none at all.

NHS England and other sector stakeholders have developed the STOMP pledge for health care providers. This is about all health care providers improving the use of psychotropic medicine, offering non-drug therapies and making sure that people, families and staff are fully informed and involved.

Cygnet’s commitment to the pledge is driven by our aim of improving the quality of life for the individuals we support who live with a learning disability, autism or both.
We will continue to work with our staff through education, awareness raising and training to ensure that people only receive psychotropic medication for the right reasons and in the right quantity.

Find out more about STOMP on the NHS England website.