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Valuing our social commitment

Our aim is to:

  • Work with our sector partners to forge strong relationships and continue to be regarded as a trusted provider of quality care
  • Value our workforce through training, development, compassionate leadership and supporting their wellbeing needs
  • Continue to champion diversity and inclusion in our workforce
  • Contribute and collaborate with our local communities
  • Work in the spirit of co-production to put our service user’s first

Our commitment to social causes – Community

We support community endeavours and relationship building with local MPs, businesses, schools, charities, sports teams and organisations. We also encourage our staff to get involved in the communities where they work. Some examples include:

  • Staff at Cygnet Views are supporting Footprints Conductive Education Centre with a whole year’s worth of fundraising plans – Find out more
  • Staff at Cygnet Manor in Shirebrook, Derbyshire, have teamed up with a local charity to reduce food waste and provide meals to those most in need. – Find out more
  • Cygnet are proud to announce our sponsorship of the Gloucester Hartpury Women’s Rugby Club – Find out more
  • Staff and service users from Cygnet Bury Hudson have been collecting and donating items for Barnabus Christian Homeless Charity. – Find out more
  • Service users and staff at Cygnet Appletree supported the Samaritans Appeal to send gifts to children in need around the world this Christmas. – Find out more
  • An occupational therapist at Cygnet Hospital Sheffield completed a gruelling 55km run between Sheffield and Leeds to raise funds for Great Ormond Street Hospital – Find out more
  • Sheffield Day Services supported Dunelm’s Delivering Joy campaign – Find out more

Our commitment to social causes – Staff

The health, well-being and career development of our staff are essential to outstanding service provision.

  • We grow our talent through our specialist training and apprenticeship schemes.
  • We work together in a positive culture of openness, honesty and inclusivity.
  • We reward our staff and their families through a diverse range of benefits and recognition.

We Are All Different. Together We Are Cygnet.

Cygnet celebrates diversity, inclusion and equality by welcoming everyone from all backgrounds and experiences.

Our purpose and inspiring outcomes motivate people to come and work with us from different backgrounds and experiences, from all corners of the country and indeed from across the world.

We listen to, are interested in and care for our colleagues and those who entrust us with their care.

Within Cygnet we encourage people to be their authentic selves whilst also being self-aware of how our actions and attitude can impact on others. We expect everyone to live our values of care, respect, empower, trust and integrity and in doing so to appreciate and learn from each other — whether that is from our teams, the wider Cygnet group or the people we care for. We believe we should embrace our differences, celebrate our community and constantly strive for a shared future where everyone feels welcome.

Cygnet’s Multicultural Network

Cygnet’s Multicultural Network is a vibrant forum that plays an instrumental role in providing a credible and unified voice for Minority Ethnic staff.

The Multicultural Network is not just a discussion group, it has a focus on making change.

The Network’s vision is to ACT:

  • Acknowledge the Past.
  • Change the Present.
  • Transform the Future.

With more than 100 multicultural ambassadors at Cygnet services around the UK, the Network helps to promote inclusion and raise awareness of issues affecting ethnic minority staff and service users.

Since its inception the Cygnet’s Multicultural Network has expanded its offering to include:

  • A new mentorship programme to support ethnic minority staff with personal and professional development.
  • ID badges now include the phonetic pronunciation of names if desired.
  • Inclusive interviews – The Network support interviews across Cygnet to ensure fairness and equality in our recruitment processes.
  • A review of Mandatory Equality & Diversity training along with Unconscious Bias training to ensure both are relevant to staff and services.
  • A robust action plan which was developed following Cygnet’s first Race Equality Survey.

LGBTQ+ Network

The network aims to collaboratively promote understanding and inclusivity within the workplace. It also provides a safe space for all LGBTQ+ people to discuss their unique experiences and share ideas of how we can support emotional wellness at work.

In this video the Network Co-Chairs, share details about the Network’s purpose and how all are welcome to join. This video was shared across the organisation and helped to establish the Network’s membership across Cygnet Health Care.

To mark LGBT History Month, our LGBTQ+ Network hosted an insightful webinar about gender identity. Co-Chair of Cygnet’s LGBTQ+ Network, Aaron Bergin, summed it up by saying:

“As a younger person, I could never have imagined being able to be so open about who I am & how I express myself, especially not at work, but my experience at Cygnet has been brilliant, they celebrate my diversity – I am able to bring my whole authentic self to work and that is empowering.

“I am proud to Co-Chair our Network and have the opportunity to host staff forums, bring people together and talk freely about the LGBTQ+ community. I’m so passionate about encouraging greater understanding.

“Being in a workplace that promotes inclusion with such supportive colleagues is something to really celebrate.”

Women’s Network

The Cygnet Women’s Network is an inclusive staff network for all women and those who identify as women. We warmly welcome others who would like to support the group as an ally. The network reports into the Diversity & Inclusion Committee and works alongside other staff networks, including the Multicultural Network and the LGBTQ+ Network.

The mission of the Network is to engage and empower women and their allies across Cygnet, enabling them to connect with and support each other in a safe and non-judgemental environment.

The Cygnet Women’s Network will support Cygnet to achieve the 5 Strategic Priorities of:

  1. Service users first
  2. Support & help more people
  3. Deliver service excellence
  4. Value and develop our staff
  5. Innovation for the future

Aims and Priorities

  • Educating – Sharing experiences and providing resources on topics about women’s mental / physical health and concerns.
  • Supporting – Supporting each other in a safe space through challenging times.
  • Celebrating – Celebrating our skills, talents and achievements and sharing those experiences.
  • Developing – Identify opportunities for learning. Developing women in their careers and supporting positive enforcement around women as leaders.