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National Coming Out Day

Today is National Coming Out Day. In this co-authored blog Sam Hoyle and Aaron Bergin, co-chairs of Cygnet's LGBTQ+ Network, share their own coming out stories and provide some do's and don'ts if someone has made the decision to tell you of their LGBTQ+ status.

What is anxiety, and how to deal with it?

Today is World Mental Health Day and in our latest blog Rachel Rowe, Cygnet's Regional Lead Occupational Therapist for the East Midlands, writes about anxiety - what it is, how to get help and some of the habits which we can develop to help reduce our anxiety levels.

Rosalyn Mloyi

Black History Month – Time for Change: Action not words

October is Black History Month. Rosalyn Mloyi, Corporate Nurse Director (Positive & Safe Care) and Chair of Cygnet's Multicultural Network, has written a blog about why the month is celebrated and how we can all get involved to bring about positive change.

Supporting each other through our shared experiences

In our latest blog Nelson Fashogbon, a service user at Cygnet Hospital Maidstone, writes about the hospital’s Peer Support Group, what the sessions are like and the positive benefits peer support can have in a mental health hospital setting.

Seven ways you can help someone who is at high risk of self harm / suicide

The effects of suicide reach into every community across the UK and can have a devastating impact on families, friends, neighbours, colleagues and others. In this blog for World Suicide Prevention Day Dr Dumindu Witharana, Chair of Cygnet's Suicide Prevention Strategy Group, provides seven tips for supporting someone with suicidal thoughts.

Tilly’s journey on Unicorn Ward

In our latest blog Tilly reflects on her time as a service user on Unicorn Ward, the adolescent PICU service at Cygnet Hospital Sheffield, and writes about how the team helped her to open up, engage in therapies and reduce her risky behaviours.

Emma and Evelyn in the garden at Redlands

We helped a resident find his voice

In our latest blog Evelyn and Emma, two staff members at Redlands our residential service in Darlington, share their career stories and why working with people with learning disabilities is so rewarding.

My life at Lowry House

This week it is Learning Disability Week and the theme is ‘Living Life with a Learning Disability’. Mark, a resident at Lowry House, our residential service in Hyde, with the help of Service Manager Adam McCarthy, has written this blog about his life at the service. The illustrations are by Meghan, our Accessible Information Specialist.


How Cygnet Acer Clinic gave me my life back

In our latest blog Skye, a service user who has recently been discharged from Cygnet Acer Clinic, writes about how the team at the hospital have helped her turn her life around after many years of unsuccessful admissions to a succession of adolescent, acute and rehabilitation services.