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Dr Tony Romero, Cygnet CEO, responds to the results of the General Election

On behalf of Cygnet, I would like to congratulate Sir Keir Starmer and the Labour Party on their election win.

The health and social care system is under extreme pressure and we welcome the new government’s priorities for mental health and social care. The need for reform has never been more important and tackling the emergency in children and young people‘s mental health is critical.

Cygnet is committed to supporting the NHS as a strategic partner, helping to build and invest in the health and social care workforce to reduce waiting times and meet demand.

Working together as part of the wider eco-system to prevent mental ill health, create a comprehensive community care system and provide quality care at the right time in the right place and closer to home, will benefit service users and their families and carers.

Cygnet is looking forward to working collaboratively with the new government and partners across the sector to make sure those who need care, get the support, treatment and dignity that they deserve.

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