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International Stress Awareness Week 2021

In this blog Barry Swire, Operations Director, provides some tips on supporting yourself and others during stressful time, and how the Sustaining Resilience at Work (StRaW) programme helps staff at Cygnet Health Care.

Lessons learnt from lockdown

In this blog, Adrian Ashurst, one of Cygnet’s Specialist Trainers, reflects on his experiences of working in a care setting during the pandemic, the lessons he has learnt and the new skills that he will continue to use in his training sessions and interactions with other people.

Six signs that a child may have language difficulties

15th October 2021 marks Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) Awareness Day. In her blog, Heather Rigby, Highly Specialist Speech & Language Therapist (SLT) at Cygnet Joyce Parker Hospital and Cygnet Hospital Sheffield, explains what DLD is and how to recognise when children may need help.

Social Media, Young People and their Mental Health

The recent Facebook outage gave an opportunity for us all to reflect on the impact of social media on the mental health of young people and ourselves, writes Dr Jon Van Niekerk, Cygnet’s Group Clinical Director, in his latest blog to mark World Mental Health Day 2021.

Speak Up Month 2021: “Speak Up, Listen Up, Follow Up”

Speak Up Month is celebrated in October. As part of the month’s celebrations, Agnes Tutani, Cygnet’s Freedom to Speak Up Guardian, writes about how colleagues have embraced speaking up at Cygnet and encourages us all to Speak Up, Listen Up, Follow Up.

Talking openly about suicide

Today marks World Suicide Prevention Day which provides us with an opportunity to rally around a shared goal of preventing suicide. In this blog Lucy Scarborough, Cygnet's Group Communications Manager, shares what it’s like to lose a loved one to suicide and the importance of shining a light on a subject that can cast such a dark shadow.

Chris’ Journey on Madison Ward

In our latest blog we meet Chris, a service user on Madison Ward, a specialist medium secure service at Cygnet Hospital Bury for men with a personality disorder and enduring mental health needs. In the blog Chris describes how he initially struggled to integrate and how working with the psychology team helped him to settle on the ward with the help of a bespoke package of care.

Lee Hammon

My Career with Cygnet

In our latest blog Lee Hammon looks back at his 21 years with Cygnet Health Care, from joining us as a management trainee through to his current role as Cygnet's Chief Commercial Officer.