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Cygnet Fountains celebrate Black History Month

Last week the team at Cygnet Fountains in Blackburn held an amazing event to celebrate Black History Month. The event was organised by the service’s fantastic Multicultural Ambassador, Deliwe Kanoyangwa, who recently won the Respect; Inclusion & Diversity Award at Cygnet’s annual Staff Achievement Awards.

The event was co-produced by Deliwe together with service users and other members of the Cygnet Fountains team.

Sarah Riding, Occupational Therapy Assistant said: “The service users requested African food and, wow, they were not disappointed! We had some authentic African food, music and celebrations. Our service users all fed back in the weekly community meeting that they really enjoyed the event and cannot wait to see more multicultural events. All teams got involved and our fantastic admin assistant emailed daily facts on Black History Month that were really informative.”

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