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Cygnet Hospital Harrow Southend Beach Trip

The Occupational Therapy team at Cygnet Hospital Harrow recently organised a trip to Southend-on-Sea beach for the service users of the hospital. During the beach trip, service users engaged in various leisure activities at the seafront. They basked in the sun and some of them also went for a swim in the sea. They enjoyed fairground attractions and thrilling rides and explored the shops and games arcade. It was a day full of adventure and joy!

As part of the hospital’s therapeutic programme, service users are encouraged to participate in weekly community reintegration group outings. This annual beach trip is an extension of this.

Every year in the summer, service users are asked where they would like to go. This year the service users picked Southend-on-Sea. The leisure aspect of the trip encourages them to participate and overcome personal barriers.

Reasonable adjustments are made as per individual needs to support participation. The aim is to support development of confidence in the community with making decisions, budgeting, navigating in crowded places and socialising with peers and community members.

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