Cygnet Joyce Parker Hospital’s new Social Hub

The young people at Cygnet Joyce Parker Hospital, our Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) hospital in Coventry, now have access to a new Social Hub.

The Social Hubs have been designed and installed across more than a dozen Cygnet Health Care services so far and all have been co-produced between staff and patients, with more to come. The Social Hub provides service users and staff with a safe space where they can relax and socialise together.

Co-production is an integral part of the culture at Cygnet and the social hubs came about following feedback from patients who said they would benefit from having non-clinical rooms to wind down in.

Working from a wish list of items provided by the young service users, a team of staff and Experts by Experience (those with lived experience of inpatient settings) worked together to spend a day at the Cygnet Health Care service on Lansdowne Street, transforming an otherwise empty room into a brand new space featuring games consoles, arcade machines and sensory lighting.

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