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Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450
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Cygnet Lodge Salford’s Carers Event

Cygnet Lodge Salford recently held had their first carers event of 2024 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Manchester. Carers travelled from far and wide to meet the new Hospital Manager, Louise Swarbrick, and listen to some presentations from the multi-disciplinary team (MDT). During the evening carers were invited to gain a greater understanding of the High Dependency rehabilitation model of care, the various pathways from all the disciplines and took part in and interactive session gathering and sharing feedback from their own personal experiences.

Claire Bentley, Cygnet Lodge Salford’s newly appointed carers champion, was also introduced to the group and delivered a presentation on her role and how she is able to support carers, staff and patients to work more collaboratively. The night was a true success with carers reporting to feel “heard” and “more part of the patients journey”.

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