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Music therapy helps service user at Norcott Lodge

Joe, a support worker at Norcott Lodge, has been using music therapy to positively impact the mental health and well being of resident Luke.

Joe said: “I had always considered introducing music to my workplace, but I couldn’t figure out how to make it work. Then I met Luke. At first, Luke and I only talked about music, as we both shared a common interest in it. One day, while we were in the activity room, Luke started playing the piano, creating melodies and the joy on his face amazed me.

Luke was aware that I was a musician myself, but when I offered to teach him, he initially refused, saying he would never be able to learn, despite it being his passion. This saddened me, but I was determined.

We continued our music discussions, and gradually, I began to build up his confidence. I taught Luke about tempo and dynamics, we observed buskers while we were out visiting the shops. Now Luke’s flat is filled with musical instruments, and he can be heard playing music throughout Norcott.

What I never expected was the enormous feeling of accomplishment I experienced, knowing that I had played a role in this. Music is a bond, a language all on its own, and it helps create connections. I am currently working on teaching other service users about the magic that music can bring.”

Service user Luke answered a few questions about music and his experience of learning to play an instrument:

  • What is your favourite instrument? Drums and Keyboard.
  • What genre of music is your favourite? Synth music. Synth is short for synthesizer and this is used in lots of electronic music.
  • How does music make you feel? Powerful and emotional.
  • Do you enjoy doing music performances? That’s a bit of a silly question!

Chantelle Womersley, Service Manager at Norcott Lodge, said: “I have supported Luke for several years and understand his passion for music and arts. I think it’s brilliant that Joe has shown initiative in building a positive relationship with Luke, based on their shared love of music. He has supported Luke in improving his mental health and well being by way of music therapy. The difference in Luke is incredible and I cannot believe the impact this has had for him and for his quality of life. They should both be very proud of themselves.”

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