Meet the Team

Jeff Firth - Registered Manager
Jeff started his career with the company as a support worker back in 2014, working at various Cygnet sites within the Yorkshire region. He attended lots of training courses to achieve experience and qualifications before eventually working his way up to Team Leader and Deputy Manager. In 2019, he then became the Registered Manager of Beacon House and couldn’t be prouder of the hard work and achievements of the staff and service users that make his role worthwhile and enjoyable and proud to be part of the Cygnet team.
Patricia de Abreu - Deputy Home Manager
Patricia de Abreu started working at Beacon House in 2016. She has traversed through various roles, commencing as a support worker and ascending to the position of acting team leader and subsequently, a full-time team leader. Within the Beacon House service, she assumes the role of the accessible information champion, showcasing her commitment to inclusivity and accessibility. Patricia takes immense pride in her role within the leadership and management team.