Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450
Social Care Referrals: Make a referral
Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450
Social Care Referrals: [email protected]


Retford Road, South Leverton, Retford, Nottinghamshire, DN22 0BY

Gender: Mixed

Age: 18+

Beeches is a 12 bed specialist residential service for adults with autism and learning disabilities who may also present with behaviours that challenge. We aim to provide a safe, comfortable and effective care environment for those in our care, promoting independence and community integration.

We encourage and enable the individuals we support to lead a full and happy life. We work with them to ensure they have more choice and control in their lives. We find out their strengths, abilities and preferences so that the care provided can be as person-centred and meaningful to each individual as possible.

Beeches has 12 en-suite bedrooms which are split across two living units, Witham and Trent. Each unit has plenty of communal living areas including kitchens, lounges and dining room. We also have a conservatory, multi-sensory room, IT suite and art and craft facilities. Externally we have two gardens with plenty of space for individuals to take part in sports and activities as well as plenty of green space for them to relax and enjoy the peace and quiet.

The home is located near the towns of Retford, Worksop, Mansfield and Lincoln, providing easy reach to local amenities. This allows residents to benefit from a full range of community activities, including attending functions at the community hall, walks in the countryside, as well as other local amenities.

Our activity co-ordinator supports individuals in creating person-centred activity planners and developing daily living skills both inside the home and out in the community. The integrated multi-disciplinary team (MDT) consists of occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, psychology and psychiatry. Our staff use least restrictive practice approaches and are trained in specialised intervention techniques and sensory integration strategies.

Our resident profile:

  • Adults from the age of 18 years
  • Individuals with a diagnosis of autism & learning disability
  • May present with behaviours that challenge
  • May have communication challenges
  • May have associated complex needs
  • May have an ECHP (Education Healthcare Plan)
  • May be subjected to DoLS (Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards) or Care Orders

Our facilities:

  • En-suite bedrooms
  • Three lounges
  • Conservatory
  • Multi-sensory room
  • Recreational and arts facilities
  • Two gardens, one tailored especially for individuals who have Pica diagnosis

Our community links:

  • Whitepost Farm
  • Mansfield Museum and Art Gallery
  • Newark Castle
  • RAF Waddington and Cranwell swimming
  • Grantham Mencap club
  • South Leverton Community Hall
  • Grove House Stables
  • Local pubs and restaurants
  • Cinema, library and other leisure activities
  • Great public transport links
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Latest from Beeches


Beeches unveils new cinema room

The Beeches have recently unveiled a new cinema room after lots of hard work to convert a rarely used space.


Cygnet Social Care’s 7th Annual Sports Day

On Friday 9th August, approximately 70 residents and 100 Cygnet staff came together at Saffron Lane Athletics Stadium in Leicester for the annual Cygnet Social Care Sports Day!

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