Gender: Mixed
Age: 16+
We aim to provide a safe, comfortable and effective care environment for those in our care, promoting independence and community integration. On-site we have our multi-disciplinary team (MDT) who assist and support us to provide outcome based care and support pathways.
Depending on the individual’s level of need, we have 3 different areas within the service offering different levels of support, including support for young men and women leaving an educational provision:
- Sutton (8 beds) & Langley (8 beds) provide a high level of support for individuals who may be stepping down from a hospital setting or has experienced multiple placement breakdowns.
- Bosley (4 beds) supports individuals who are preparing to move onto supported living. They provide a structured programme of vocational activity and daily living skills to enable the individual to experience a less restrictive environment safely.
As part of our care pathway, our service enables residents to build upon earlier learnt skills to achieve further independence, self-advocacy and confidence leading to a better quality of life. Residents can gain skills through extended learning via accredited platforms.
Our staff use non-aversive positive approaches and are trained in specialised behaviour interventions and sensory integration strategies. A combination of person-centred planning, measurement of progress and a full multi-disciplinary approach can only result in the best outcomes for the individuals in our care.

Liam’s Journey
Read about how the team at Broughton Lodge increased Liam’s independence.
Jaden’s Story
A short film about how the support provided by the team at Broughton Lodge has helped Jaden, a young man with a diagnosis of learning disabilities and autism. The film includes interviews with Jaden’s parents and members of the team at Broughton Lodge.
Our resident profile:
- Diagnosis of autism and learning disability
- Behaviours that may challenge
- Communication challenges
- Associated complex needs
- Likely history of multiple exclusions and placement or family breakdowns
- May have an ECHP (Education Healthcare Plan)
- May be subjected to DoLS (Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards) or Care Orders
Our facilities:
- En-suite bedrooms, which residents are supported to personalise
- Multiple good sized living and dining areas in all areas of the service
- Large activity room containing a multisensory projector, pool table, exercise equipment and a large interactive tablet
- Activities of Daily Living (ADL) skills kitchens
- Sensory room
- 4 large gardens with seating areas and outdoor activities
Our community links:
- Cafés and restaurants
- Library
- Parks
- Shops
- Countryside Walks
Photo Gallery
Please click on the images to enlarge.
360 Degree Tour
Use your mouse on the video below to have a look around the facilities at Broughton Lodge.