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Latest from Cygnet Acer Clinic


A life worth living thanks to Cygnet Acer Clinic

In our latest blog Tara shares her journey in inpatient services and how an admission to Cygnet Acer Clinic in 2022 gave her the confidence and skills to move into the community and give her a life she wanted to live.


Cygnet Acer Clinic Food Bank Donation

The staff and Service Users at Acer Clinic have been collecting food and toiletries over the last few months to donate to the local food bank at Derbyshire Community Hub, led by Clinical Manager Carolyn. Billie, a service user at Acer Clinic expressed an interest in donating and being involved in the scheme. Billie said the following; ‘ I wanted to help collect for the food bank because I think it’s an important cause, especially at this time of year. If you have the ability to help those less fortunate than yourselves, why would you choose not to? If I can help give another person the basic necessities in life, I would do it a million times over’.


Acer Fest 2023

Not even the odd shower could dampen the fun at Cygnet Acer Clinic's Acer Fest 2023 which was held on Wednesday 19th July.

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