Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450 Recruitment Line: 0121 728 8111

Reviews and Compliments

“The staff who met me were absolutely amazing, they eased my anxiety and kept checking in with me which really helped knowing I wasn’t just left ‘alone’ feeling frightened. All the staff were also professional yet friendly. I had an extremely positive experience there, working in mental health myself I know how challenging and demanding the role can be but these guys genuinely cared and I can’t thank them enough.”Former Service User

“Well done Team Acer, you have been amazing. The work you have done with our client will help her in her next stage of her journey. You should feel very proud.”Commissioner

“Thank you to all staff for everything, along with being a shoulder to cry on. For always being there to pick me up in times of need and also for the tough love. The hospital has left a lasting impression and the sort of lessons I will take with me for life. I am eternally grateful to everyone.”Former Service User

“Thank you to everybody for helping me on my amazing journey, though my ups and downs. Everyone has played a part in helping me get better for which I am extremely grateful for. I am going to miss everyone in their own way. I have enjoyed having a laugh and a joke which has always made me smile. I would like to say thank you and I will remember this for the rest of my life and everyone at Acer.”Former Service User

“Thank you to the team for the hard work. I’m very grateful and know it’s been rocky, but it is really nice to be at the point where she is coming home.”Family Member

“I have been discharged for nearly four months now and I am doing so much better than I ever thought I would. And this is because of the staff at Acer believing in me when I didn’t. The skills I have learnt help me everyday. Acer has given me my life back and for that I will be forever grateful!!”Former Service User

“We would like to thank the team for the hard work with all our complex service users, current and in the past.”Commissioner

“I was a patient in Cygnet Acer Clinic for just short of two years. And I just wanted to say a massive thank you. Every hospital has its faults and things that could be improved, and it’s safe to say there was a fair few of ups and downs. However you could not meet a more caring and uplifting team of staff! I have been discharged for nearly four months now and I am doing so much better than I ever thought I would. And this is because of the staff at Acer believing in me when I didn’t. At the time I found it hard to see progress but wow am I seeing it now it’s being put to the test. The skills I have learnt help me every day. While I still have my bad days where I need a little extra support, I get through it… Acer has given me my life back and for that I will be forever grateful! P.S I am missing all of the banter and the amazing team of people I built trusting relationships with.”Former Service User

“Thanks to everyone for your hard work and patience with finding the right place for her. Apparently she volunteered at the local stables last week.”Community Psychiatric Nurse to Service User

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A life worth living thanks to Cygnet Acer Clinic

In our latest blog Tara shares her journey in inpatient services and how an admission to Cygnet Acer Clinic in 2022 gave her the confidence and skills to move into the community and give her a life she wanted to live.


Cygnet Acer Clinic Food Bank Donation

The staff and Service Users at Acer Clinic have been collecting food and toiletries over the last few months to donate to the local food bank at Derbyshire Community Hub, led by Clinical Manager Carolyn. Billie, a service user at Acer Clinic expressed an interest in donating and being involved in the scheme. Billie said the following; ‘ I wanted to help collect for the food bank because I think it’s an important cause, especially at this time of year. If you have the ability to help those less fortunate than yourselves, why would you choose not to? If I can help give another person the basic necessities in life, I would do it a million times over’.


Acer Fest 2023

Not even the odd shower could dampen the fun at Cygnet Acer Clinic's Acer Fest 2023 which was held on Wednesday 19th July.

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