Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450
Social Care Referrals: Make a referral
Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450
Social Care Referrals: [email protected]

Therapy Department

The Therapy team at Cygnet Hospital Beckton comprises of a Head of Psychology, Head of Occupational Therapy, HPC qualified Clinical Psychologists and an Assistant Psychologist, Occupational Therapists, Activities Coordinators, in addition to Psychology and Occupational Therapist students. Art Therapy is also provided on a sessional basis.

We take a ‘whole person’ approach, which means that we try to promote well-being in many different aspects of service users’ lives. We aim to include service users across many levels of their care and provide support via key service user led forums (e.g. service user council forum). We also provide support to enable service users to take a more active role along their recovery journeys (e.g. invite service users to attend clinical governance meetings).

All therapeutic interventions are carefully selected, graded and adapted to meet the needs of our service users. At the point of admission, an initial interview assessment is conducted with each service user to evaluate initial needs and identify suitable sessions for meeting these needs. Sessions may take place on or off the Ward, in one-to-one or group environments.

Our Therapies Programme therefore offers a wide range of interventions in the following broad areas:

  • Managing mental health
  • Self-care
  • Living Skills
  • Social Networks
  • Work
  • Relationships
  • Addictive Behaviour
  • Responsibilities
  • Identity and self-esteem
  • Trust and hope

Latest from Cygnet Hospital Beckton


Time to Talk Day at Cygnet Hospital Beckton

The team at Cygnet Hospital Beckton came together to talk, listen, and support one another in a safe and welcoming space to allow for conversations about mental health.

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