Gender: Male
Age: 18+
Beds: 14
Individuals may come to us with complex needs, high levels of aggression and disinhibition. Our experienced Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) team includes an occupational therapist and activities co-ordinator who run a full programme of therapy and meaningful activity. The men in our care are supported to have at least 25 hours’ of therapy a week.
Examples of the groups include art therapy and the ‘Hearing Voices’ group. Service users are encouraged to participate in these groups and, although their attendance and participation in these groups is not compulsory, they are seen by the MDT as an important part of care and treatment. Therapists also aim to do 1:1 work that links in to an individual’s particular interests, which we identify upon admission.
“From admission on there are numerous examples of best practice. Despite the complexity and acuity of the ward population, a homely atmosphere is created and maintained. I have not once felt unsafe here.”Service user
Our service user profile:
- Men, aged 18+
- Detained under the Mental Health Act
- Experiencing difficulties that present a risk to the well-being of themselves or others that cannot be treated in an open environment
- Diagnoses may include:
- Acute mental illness
- Acute depressive illness
- Psychosis
- Schizophrenia
- Bi-polar disorder
- Personality disorder
- Dual diagnosis
- May present with co-morbid presentations:
- Self-harm
- Substance misuse issues
- Complex needs