Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450
Social Care Referrals: Make a referral
Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450
Social Care Referrals: [email protected]

Oak Court

Gender: Male

Age: 18+

Beds: 10

Oak Court at Cygnet Hospital Colchester provides dedicated, person-centred support to men with a learning disability, associated complex needs and behaviours that may challenge, who are at different stages of their care pathway.

We encourage the men in our care to make their own choices and live as independently as they are able to. To achieve this, we have developed our model of care in which the in-house multi-disciplinary team (MDT) adopt a values-based social model of disability with My Choice, My Voice, My Life sitting at the heart of the model.

We are impressed with the progress he is making in your care, we appreciate it very much.

The service has two areas that have been developed to support individuals with different levels of need:

  • Nine beds within Oak Court accommodate service users who are in crisis or those with high dependency needs within a safe environment. We work closely with the multi-disciplinary team (MDT) to provide a care and treatment plan that enables the service user to move along their care pathway at their own pace.
  • A spacious one bed single person bespoke apartment provides either a more independent living environment, or a low stimulus space for an individual.

Oak Court is located in the heart of the community in Colchester which is Britain’s oldest recorded town. The individuals we support have access to a wide range of community facilities locally including, Colchester Zoo, Colchester Football Club, beautiful parks and excellent shopping and dining facilities.

We are very grateful for all the support Oak Court staff have given to our son.

Our service user profile:

  • Men, aged 18+
  • Primary diagnosis of learning disability and complex needs
  • May have a diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorder
  • May be detained under the Mental Health Act, informal or subject to DoLS
  • May have a forensic history
  • May present with co-morbid presentations, including:
    • Challenging behaviour
    • Personality disorder
    • Schizophrenia, depression, bi-polar disorder
    • Dual diagnosis
    • Complex needs and/or multiple diagnoses
  • May have a history of repeated hospital admissions

Our facilities:

  • En-suite bedrooms
  • Extensive communal areas including lounge and dining room
  • Activities of daily living kitchen and laundry service
  • Quiet room
  • Sensory room
  • Large garden
  • Multi-faith room
  • Gym
  • Activity centre
  • IT room
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