Gender: Female
Age: 18+
Beds: 16
The primary pre-cursor to an admission to Alvaston Ward is that the individual is ready to engage in a multi-disciplinary therapeutic programme. Service users may have a history of involvement in the criminal justice system or may present with significantly challenging behaviour, severe self-neglect and vulnerability.
“Thank you for all the support and the support she has had throughout this journey. Cygnet has allowed my daughter to become well and supported her to have a safe discharge. The transformation she has shown is down to the staff and we can’t thank you enough.”Family member
Psychological Therapy
Our team of forensic, clinical and assistant psychologists offer a variety of therapeutic interventions and personalised packages of therapy to individuals in our care.
The team provide a range of therapies delivered in group and individual settings, including Schema Therapy, psychodynamic psychotherapy, Cognitive Behavioural therapy (CBT), trauma work, substance misuse and offending behaviour interventions. In addition the team also provide Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT), this programme is adapted to the needs of the individual who may have educational or learning difficulty issues, such as dyslexia, which may act as barriers to the standard DBT programme.
“This is the best hospital I have ever been to, it really has helped me, I’m pleased that I came here.”Service user
Prison Transfer Programme
We also offer a specialised three month prison transfer programme, for stabilisation and assessment of prisoners whose mental health needs cannot be met in the prison environment.
- Referrals and assessment: We provide a rapid response to referrals, assessment within the prison environment, quick decision on suitability for transfer within five working days and liaison with MOJ over transfer warrants
- Comprehensive inpatient assessment: Twelve week assessment programme including full diagnostic and risk formulations, IQ and neurological assessments, stabilisation, treatment plan
Our service user profile:
- Female, aged 18+
- Primary diagnosis of mental illness or personality disorder
- Detained under the Mental Health Act, including Ministry of Justice restrictions
- Requiring assessment and treatment in a secure environment
- May have a history of trauma
- En-suite bedrooms
- External secure courtyard
- Fully equipped gym
- Art room at the Recovery College
- IT suite
- Therapy kitchen
- Sensory Room
- Multi-faith room
- Variety of activity and games rooms
- Garden with outdoor seating
- Lounge and dining rooms