Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450
Social Care Referrals: Make a referral
Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450
Social Care Referrals: [email protected]

Meet the Team

Olajumoke Adegoke - Hospital Manager

Ola joined Cygnet as a staff nurse in 2005 with dual qualification of RGN and RMN. Ola is a fully trained DBT nurse specialist. Ola became the ward manager of New Dawn ward in Cygnet Hospital Beckton in 2009 and played a key role in several transformational changes that took this ward to excellence in provision of treatment for females with personality disorder.

In 2013, Ola became the service manager for the personality disorder service in Beckton following service structural changes. After working as Quality Assurance Manager for Cygnet Hospital Beckton, Ola became Clinical Manager for Cygnet Hospital Ealing and was appointed Hospital Manager in 2024.

She has won several awards as a manager and nurse and is well acknowledged for her dedication to improving service user and carer experiences, for robust systems and processes and for her unwavering dedication to achieving excellence in her area of work.

Dr Caroline Fleming - Head of Psychology

Dr Caroline Fleming (PscyhD, CPsychol, AFBPsS) is an HCPC registered chartered Counselling Psychologist and is an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society. She has worked in the field of eating disorders for fourteen years. Prior to working for Cygnet Hospital Ealing she worked within various eating disorders services for the NHS. Although her NHS role has been predominantly within the eating disorders field, her experience has also focused toward supporting service users with broad range of mental health difficulties, including those presenting with a diagnosis of personality disorder. She believes that building on individuals’ strength and resilience is particularly important within the therapeutic process. Caroline is particularly passionate about the translation of current research into clinical practice and has worked to develop novel individual and group therapies within the inpatient setting. This has led to contribution to publication both for the development of evidence based practice and to disseminate knowledge through contribution to book publications.

Natalia Masternak - Social Worker & Safeguarding Lead

Natalia joined Cygnet Ealing Hospital in June 2018 as a Student Social Worker, progressing to a Head of Social Work Department and a Safeguarding Lead role. Natalia is a social work professional BSc (Hons) working for Sunrise Ward and New Dawn Ward. Natalia is passionate about working with individuals with complex mental health issues and their families. Natalia is a Safeguarding Lead for both wards promoting safety and protecting individuals with care and support needs from abuse and neglect. Natalia is also a SRG lead for the Staff Relations Group. Natalia is currently training in Systemic Practice with the aspiration to become a Family Therapist.

Tara McRoberts – Support Services Manager

Tara joined Cygnet Hospital Ealing in January 2020 as Office Manager initially on a temporary contract before becoming permanent in June 2020 . Tara managed the Administration Department whilst maintaining responsibility for HR within the Hospital.

Tara was appointed Support Services Manager of Cygnet Hospital Ealing in January 2021 and is now responsible for all non-clinical services including estates, catering, housekeeping and admin including MHA & training across the site. Tara Is also a SRG Rep as well as a StRaW practitioner for Ealing.

Latest from Cygnet Hospital Ealing

Raf and the team at the Cygnet Hospital Ealing social hub

New Social Hub installed at Cygnet Hospital Ealing

Cygnet Hospital Ealing is the latest Cygnet service to benefit from a social hub, giving service users the chance to relax together in a non-clinical environment to aid their recovery.

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