Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450
Social Care Referrals: Make a referral
Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450
Social Care Referrals:

Information for Visitors

Cygnet Hospital Kewstoke

Cygnet Hospital Kewstoke does not have specific visiting times, but we do ask that visits are pre-arranged with the ward (24 hours notice is normally required) and that visits take place outside of 9am to 5pm therapy sessions if possible.

Anyone under the age of 18 will not be allowed onto any of the wards, however an off-ward visitor’s room can be provided to facilitate family visits.

The hospital operates a no smoking policy and visitors are therefore asked not to smoke on the ward or anywhere within the building or grounds of the hospital.

What to expect on arrival

On arrival visitors should report to reception where they will be asked to sign in and given a security badge. This ensures that we have an accurate record of who is in the premises at all times. A member of staff will collect you from reception and take you to your meeting or visit. A lift is available for those with a disability or mobility restrictions.

On ward visits are allocated to one specific area of the ward and visitors are not allowed to enter a patient’s room without permission from a member of staff.


Entrance 1 – Visitors and Staff Parking

Entrance 2 – Disabled Parking, Hospital Admissions, Set Down/Pick Up only

Please note that no parking is available via Entrance 2 except for disabled personnel or hospital admissions. All visitors should arrive via Entrance 1 to access the car park however this involves a short walk up a steep incline to reach the hospital building. If you have mobility problems please contact us on 01934 428989 so we can make any necessary arrangements to accommodate you.

Places to stay

Hotel and bed & breakfast accommodation is available within Kewstoke.

Both The Commodore Hotel and The Castle provide lunchtime and evening meals. Kewstoke village is located in Sand Bay which is perfect for beach walks with views across the Bristol Channel towards Cardiff. Weston-super-Mare is a short distance away where you can find plenty of restaurants and bars and further accommodation if preferred.

What not to bring

In order to ensure the safety of our service users, visitors and staff, certain items are considered contraband and these are not allowed into the hospital. On arrival, you will be asked if you are carrying such items and, if so, you will be requested to leave them in your car or in a locker provided.

We reserve the right to search visitors if we believe that they may be bringing inappropriate things in with them. Please avoid bringing the following items when you visit:

  • Alkaline Batteries
  • Alcohol
  • Aerosols
  • Any sharp instruments or tools
  • Animals
  • Blue Tac / Sellotape
  • Carrier Bags
  • Chewing Gum
  • Cans of drink
  • Food cooked off the premises / perishable items
  • Glass bottles of any description
  • Knives of any sort
  • Lighters / matches – dependent on ward
  • Manicure sets
  • Nail files
  • Medicines
  • Illicit drugs
  • Solvents
  • Pornographic material
  • Razor blades
  • Photographic equipment
  • Wires, strong ropes or cords, etc.

Latest from Cygnet Hospital Kewstoke

Staff and service user on Knightstone Ward

Knightstone Ward an Enabling Environment

A ward at Cygnet Hospital Kewstoke which supports women with personality disorder has been awarded the prestigious Enabling Environments Award from the College Centre for Quality Improvement (CCQI).

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