Gender: Male
Age: 18+
Beds: 12
The aim of Bennu Ward is to provide a short, rapid intervention to help service users regain a sense of control and order in their lives, so they can move to a less restrictive care setting or return home.
“I am doing well, thanks for all the support and thank you for giving me the help that I needed. Thank you for taking such good care of me.”Service user
A personalised package of care is agreed following assessment within 72 hours of admission including full physical healthcare checks. Care is delivered by a well-established multi-disciplinary team comprising of one consultant psychiatrist with specialist interest in PICU, a specialty doctor, nurses, occupational therapist, therapy assistant, substance misuse practitioner, forensic/clinical psychologist and assistant psychologist.
“I have never been offered any support in previous hospital admissions and I can’t tell you how much having someone on the other end of the phone meant. I also want to pass on my thanks to the staff on the ward, I never felt like I was wasting their time if ever I rang.”Family member
The service is supported by a clinical and forensic psychologist who provide open groups twice a week. There are eight different programmes which run on Bennu Ward including problem solving and anger management. One to one therapy is also available on a regular basis.
Secure transport is available for admission and discharge if required. As well as comfortable single en-suite rooms, the hospital has extensive grounds, social space and a five-star catering team. There are also leisure facilities on site including an exercise & fitness room, art room, horticulture area, IT classroom and learning kitchen.