Gender: Female
Age: 18+
Beds: 16
Harben Ward, our new High Support Inpatient Rehabilitation Service (Level 2), will provide a safe and comfortable environment that promotes recovery and helps to bridge the gap between hospital stays and community living. Harben Ward will be opening soon.
Harben Ward will provide a care pathway within Cygnet Kenney House, whilst also accepting external referrals.
We are dedicated to understand, stabilise and break the traumatic cycles of relapse that can impact individual’s lives. Our care will embrace a balanced approach to risk management and therapeutic optimism. The women we support will have access to a range of therapies and care planning will be co-produced and bespoke.
Our service user profile:
- Primary diagnosis of mental illness with:
- Complex comorbidities
- Substance, drug and alcohol abuse
- Treatment resistance
- Behaviours that may challenge
- Aiming for a return to community or community-based care
- History of sexual abuse or domestic violence
- Typical diagnoses: schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, bipolar affective disorder or depression
- May have secondary diagnoses of mild learning disability, autism spectrum disorder or personality disorder
- May have a forensic history and / or be stepping down from secure services
- May have a history of repeated acute admissions
Psychology-led interventions:
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
- Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) informed approach
- Schema informed approach
- Brief Solution Focused therapy
- The Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP®)
- Mindfulness
- Behaviour analysis and problem-solving approaches
- Psychometric assessments
- Drug and alcohol awareness and relapse prevention
- Cognitive skills
- Mental Health relapse prevention
- Offence-focused interventions
- Emotional Management interventions including anxiety and anger
- Motivational enhancement
- Self-esteem enhancement