Meet the Team

Kelly Shortt - Hospital Manager
Kelly qualified as a Registered Mental Health Nurse in 2012 after working in care settings for a number of years as a support worker. She began her career at Cygnet Manor as a newly qualified nurse and spent three years within the service whilst progressing to Senior nurse. After a very brief few months away from the company she rejoined this time working at Cygnet Acer, where she commenced her first management role as Head of Care before leaving and returning back to Cygnet Manor within the same role in 2018. After a period of acting Hospital manager she was formally appointed and became registered Hospital Manager of Cygnet Manor in 2019.

Dr Syed Zaidi - Consultant Psychiatrist
Dr Zaidi joined the Cygnet Manor team in June 2020 as Locum Consultant Psychiatrist. Dr Zaidi is a member of Royal College of Psychiatrist and has 13 years’ experience of training and working in mental health care services at a consultant level, both in the NHS and the Independent Sector. During this period, Dr Zaidi has worked in various settings including low secure and locked mental health rehabilitation setting for personality disorders and learning disability patients.
Dr Zaidi has a keen interest in social inclusion/ transforming care and promoting care and treatment for individuals within the least restrictive setting to achieve their rehabilitation goals.

Samantha-Louise Parker – Supervising Art Psychotherapist
Samantha completed a Bachelor’s Degree with Honors in Creative Expressive Therapies, and later completed a Masters Postgraduate Diploma in Art Psychotherapy at The University of Derby. Samantha has a background of working within the health and social care sector, supporting both children and adults.
Samantha has worked for the company since 2009, beginning her role as an Art Psychotherapist at Sherwood House. Since then Samantha has covered various units, providing treatment for adults with learning disabilities, mental health and complex needs. Samantha is currently based at Sherwood Lodge and The Manor.
Samantha is responsible for the provision of specialist intervention for a caseload of service users who attend Art Psychotherapy sessions. This includes both group and individual work, assessment, consultation and treatment. On occasions this involves working collaboratively with other members of the multidisciplinary team, working closely with the Psychology department in identifying individual’s psychological treatment pathway.
Samantha has completed her Art Psychotherapy Supervision Training, which as a result has allowed her to facilitate student placements and other Art Psychotherapist’s within the company. Samantha has more recently completed her Level 3 Leadership Management Apprenticeship, and is now completing her Level 5.