Meet the Team

Victor Mudarikwa - Hospital Manager
Victor Mudarikwa is a qualified RMN, Registered Manager, qualified in leadership and Management (ILM; MBA). Victor has experience leading Specialist Services including Forensic Medium and Low secure services, Acute, High dependency services and Specialist services in Learning Disabilities and Autism
Victor has supported services to achieve accolades such as the Great Autism Practice Award and Outstanding CQC ratings. He is a transformational leader that believes strongly in Team work.

Amy Moss - Speech and Language Therapist
Amy graduated from the University of York with a First Class degree in Psychology. During her time in York she volunteered for a variety of organisations that aim to increase awareness and provide support in areas that she is passionate about. Amy was a committee member for an organisation that educates young people on mental health, she provided social support for adults with autism, and she was a volunteer for York Mind. Amy then worked for a year in a Leeds high school supporting teenagers with learning disabilities. She then undertook a Masters in Speech and Language Therapy at the University of Sheffield.In 2021 she completed her Masters and joined Cygnet Cedars as a newly qualified Speech and Language Therapist. She later transferred to Wast Hills in 2022. Amy is dedicated in helping support and empower individuals with learning disabilities. In her spare time she enjoys long walks and spending time with friends and family.

Kirsty Buchanan - Occupational Therapist
Kirsty has worked as an Occupational Therapy Assistant with the NHS, gaining experience working in trauma, neuro, stroke, medicine and in-house wheelchair clinics. This work inspired her to undertake an Occupational Therapy BSc degree.
In her final year of study, Kirsty gained an interest in mental health, learning disabilities and autism and so applied for an Occupational Therapy Assistant role at Cygnet Wast Hills. Kirsty is currently an Occupational Therapist and the clinical governance rep for the site. Kirsty values promoting participation in meaningful occupations and improving occupational performance and function.