Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450
Social Care Referrals: Make a referral
Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450
Social Care Referrals: [email protected]


203 Park Hall Road, Mansfield Woodhouse, Nottinghamshire, NG19 8QX

Gender: Mixed

Age: 17+

Pines is a 7 bed specialist residential service for adults with autism and who may present with behaviours that challenge. We aim to provide a safe, comfortable and effective care environment for those in our care, promoting independence and community integration.

Person-centred planning is at the heart of everything we do, based on each person’s specific needs. We understand that consistency and continuity of care is important for the individuals we care for.

Pines has 7 en-suite bedrooms as well as numerous communal spaces including lounge, dining room, sensory room, activity of daily living kitchen as well as a nice garden.

Located down a quiet lane, just a 15 minute drive from the bustling town of Mansfield, the individuals we support have access to a large amount of community facilities and activities, including horse riding, swimming and visiting the library.

As part of our care pathway, Pines enables each individual to build upon their skills to achieve further independence, self-advocacy and confidence, leading to a better quality of life.

The team supports each individual to create person-centred activity planners and develop daily living skills both inside the home and out in the community. The integrated multi-disciplinary team (MDT) consists of occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, psychology and psychiatry. Our staff use least restrictive practice approaches and are trained in specialised intervention techniques and sensory integration strategies.

Our resident profile:

  • Adults from the age of 17 years
  • Individuals with a diagnosis of autism and learning disability
  • May present with behaviours that challenge
  • May have communication challenges
  • May have associated complex needs
  • May have an ECHP (Education Healthcare Plan)
  • May be subjected to DoLS (Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards) or Care Orders

Our facilities:

  • En-suite bedrooms
  • Lounge
  • Dining room
  • Garden
  • Sensory room
  • Activities of daily living kitchen

Our community links:

  • Whitepost Farm
  • Mansfield Museum and Art Gallery
  • Sherwood Pines
  • Rufford Abbey Park
  • Alton Towers
  • Water Meadow Leisure Centre
  • Retail parks and local shops
  • Cinemas and bowling alleys
  • Restaurants, pubs and cafes
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