Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450
Social Care Referrals: Make a referral
Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450
Social Care Referrals: [email protected]


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Cygnet Lodge Salford opening in January 2020

Cygnet Lodge Salford in Manchester, our new 24 bed high dependency inpatient rehabilitation service for women is opening in January 2020 and referrals are now being accepted.

Cygnet Pindar House opening in February 2020

Cygnet Pindar House, our new 22 bed Neuropsychiatric care and treatment facility in Barnsley for men affected by acquired brain injuries, is opening in February 2020. Referrals for planned admissions are now being taken.

Cygnet Churchill

Cygnet Churchill to open new acute service for men

Cygnet Churchill, our mental health hospital for men in south London, is to open a new 17 bed emergency acute service for men. The service will provide a safe and stabilising environment for men who are experiencing an acute episode of mental illness and require an emergency admission. Juniper Ward opens on Monday 20th May 2019.

Dove Valley Mews Opening in Summer 2019

Dove Valley Mews our new community residential service for adults living with a learning disability and associated complex needs is opening in June 2019 and is now accepting referrals.

Cygnet Hospital Sheffield to open new CAMHS low secure service

Cygnet Hospital Sheffield are to open a new 15 bed low secure service for young people. Griffin Ward will support individuals aged between 12 and 18 years old and offers a defined treatment pathway from admission, through to intervention and discharge. The new service opens in March 2019 and is now accepting referrals.

Cygnet Hospital Kewstoke opening new female acute service

Sandford Ward, Cygnet Hospital Kewstoke's new 16 bed female acute service will be opening on Wednesday 21st November. The service will provide a safe and stabilising environment for women who are experiencing an acute episode of mental illness and require an emergency admission.

NEW Male Acute and PICU Services

On Monday 29th October 2018 our new male acute service at Cygnet Hospital Taunton and our new male PICU service at Cygnet Hospital Maidstone will be open for admissions.

Cygnet Hospital Maidstone

Cygnet Hospital Maidstone now open for admissions

Following successful registration with the Care Quality Commission (CQC), Cygnet Hospital Maidstone is now open for admissions. Cygnet Hospital Maidstone is our new state-of-the-art, 65 bed mental health facility for adults situated in the new Kent Medical Campus in Maidstone.

Cygnet Hospital Maidstone’s Grand Opening Day

On Friday 14th September 2018 we held our grand opening day for Cygnet Hospital Maidstone. The event was attended by over 150 guests including service users, bed managers, commissioners and special guest, David Naghi, the Mayor of Maidstone.

Woodrow House

Woodrow House opening in January 2019

We are delighted to announce that Woodrow House, our new specialist residential home for adults with learning disabilities, is due to open in January 2019 and we are now accepting referrals.