Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450
Social Care Referrals: Make a referral
Cygnet Bed Hub: 0808 164 4450
Social Care Referrals: [email protected]


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Central Referral Line now taking CAMHS referrals

We are pleased to announce that the recently launched Cygnet Health Care dedicated Referral Line can now assist with referrals for Emergency CAMHS services as well as Adult PICU and Acute services.

Cygnet Lodge Woking to open new pre-discharge service

Cygnet Lodge Woking are to extend their care pathway by opening a pre-discharge service in a new annexe called Milligan House. Milligan House will contain six pre-discharge beds with an additional two self-contained flatlets.

Football programme proving a great success

Watford Football Club's Community Sports & Education Trust are working in partnership with Cygnet Hospital Harrow to deliver a multi-sport programme to service users at the hospital.

Extension works begin at Cygnet Hospital Taunton

We are pleased to announce that extension works have begun at Cygnet Hospital Taunton. The extension will see the creation of additional bedrooms, recreational and office space. The project will see a total investment of £3 million in the hospital.

Cygnet launches new Acute / PICU Referral Line

We are pleased to announce the launch of our new dedicated Referral Line for adult PICU and Acute Services. The Referral Line number is 0808 164 4450 and the service will operate 7 days per week - Monday-Friday: 8am-6pm and Saturday and Sunday: 9am-5pm.

Cygnet Hospital Ealing and Cygnet Lodge Kenton’s Clean Air Act 2017

On Friday 31 March 2017, Cygnet Hospital Ealing and Cygnet Lodge Kenton marked going 'smoke free' with their own Clean Air Act 2017 celebrations. The purpose of the festivities was to mark the end of smoke-filled lives and spaces at Cygnet, and the beginning of healthy new policies and lifestyles.

Cygnet Hospital Bierley gains ‘Full Monty’ Star Wards status

We are delighted to announce that Cygnet Hospital Bierley’s two low secure services have achieved the Full Monty Star Wards status. The awards go to the hospital's Bronte Ward, a low secure service for women and Shelley Ward, a low secure service for men.

Cygnet Hospital Harrogate

Cygnet Hospital Harrogate opens an all-female acute admissions service

We are pleased to announce that from Monday 6th March 2017 Cygnet Hospital Harrogate's Sanctuary Ward will change from a mixed to an all-female acute admissions ward. This decision is in recognition of the increasing numbers of female referrals who, because of the presenting complexities and vulnerabilities, would benefit from an all-female environment.