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Bearsted Ward gains QNPICU accreditation

The Bearsted Ward team with their QNPICU accreditation

Congratulations to the team at Cygnet Hospital Maidstone’s Bearsted Ward who have successfully achieved their Quality Network for Psychiatric Intensive Care Units (QNPICU) accreditation from the Royal College of Psychiatrists.

QNPICU is a quality improvement network for psychiatric intensive care services in the UK. QNPICU adopts a multi-disciplinary approach to quality improvement, with a key component of their work being the sharing of best practice through the facilitation of peer-review visits.

Bearsted Ward is a 15 bed male PICU at Cygnet Hospital Maidstone and accepts emergency and crisis admissions. The aim is for a short, rapid intervention to help service users regain a sense of control and order in their lives, so they can move to a less restrictive care setting and ultimately return home.

The team, at the Gidds Pond Way hospital, were reviewed by assessors in November 2024, and this month they received the good news that they had met all the necessary quality standards for gaining the accreditation.

The Bearsted Ward team with their QNPICU accreditation

Feedback that was received from the peer review team found the following as areas of achievement:

  • The positive working relationship between staff members and patients was described as “strong, therapeutic and professional”. Assessors said this creates a “positive work atmosphere”.
  • Staff commented that their health and wellbeing is prioritised, highlighting regular “wellbeing mornings”.
  • The environment is a strength of the service. The family visiting room was described as “large and bright, containing lots of artwork and soft furnishings, as well as outdoor space.” The garden area that patients can access with leave was “also impressive, with opportunities for patients to get involved in gardening. The environment was generally clean and well managed.”
  • The service has strong links to the community and outside activities. Both management and staff spoke about the variety of opportunities available to patients, including access to a recovery college.
  • Patients have opportunities to work on professional development and there is a local chaplaincy that provides multi-faith support to patients.
  • Carers spoke positively about the staff on Bearsted ward and described how they are able to attend virtual meetings about their loved ones’ treatment. They said they feel listened to and understood by staff.

Hospital Manager Louisa Powell said: “There are only a small number of PICU’s who have achieved accreditation across the country and all of us at Cygnet Hospital Maidstone are very proud that Bearsted Ward has been recognised for the excellent care provided and for meeting all Quality Network standards.

“The team on the ward work tirelessly to provide exceptional care and support and we are committed to continuously improving our standards. This achievements highlights the effectiveness of our person-centred approach to care.

“It is especially pleasing that assessors highlighted so many areas of good practice including the strength of our staffing team and their compassion, the facilities and environment open to service users, our relationship with carers and loved ones, and the strength of our links with the local community.”

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