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Cygnet Adarna House opening early 2022

Cygnet Adarna House, our new rehabilitation service in Bradford for men with mental illness and a secondary diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder, is due to open in early 2022.

The service will support up to nine men in a homely, open and community facing environment for individuals who are preparing for community life, but need further support to move to more independent living.

This new service will be a step-down service from Adarna Ward at Cygnet Hospital Wyke in Bradford. This enables individuals to continue to work on their independent living skills while being in a safe environment – with the advantage of continuing access to the same multi-disciplinary team (MDT). The service will also accept external referrals.

The team are highly experienced in supporting individuals with ASD. All members of staff are trained in understanding ASD and in how to create a supportive environment for everyone. The service has an array of facilities, all of which provide a low stimulus environment for individuals who may be experiencing heightened feelings of agitation. The service has been decorated in consultation with service users from Adarna Ward.

Clare Heaton, Registered Manager, said, “I am so privileged to be asked to lead this service from the onset of its development. I have been fully involved in developing Adarna Ward at Cygnet Hospital Wyke, but always felt there was a need for a more community focused provision for those with ASD/Autism diagnosis along with mental health difficulties. Having knowledge of managing mental health rehabilitation and ASD/Autism rehabilitation services I have an awareness of what our service users need to help them on their pathway and what skills a staff team require to best support their needs.”

Cygnet Adarna House is located in the suburbs of Wibsey in Bradford and the team will focus on ensuring the individuals they support are part of their local community and can access education, employment and other opportunities to meet their needs. The service also benefits from great public transport links to local towns and cities including Bradford, Huddersfield, Leeds and Manchester.

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