Getting involved in charity work is something that has become increasingly important to both the service users and staff at Cygnet Aspen Clinic. One of the ladies said, “Charity doesn’t always have to begin at home. I found myself at Cygnet Aspen Clinic a long way from home, it really helped getting involved in the various charity projects as part of a group. Not only does it help with recovery you also get to think of others in need of help.”
There have been a number of projects over the last few months. These include knitting and crocheting over 300 ear protectors for frontline NHS and healthcare workers to wear with their facemasks. They also hand sewed over 300 love hearts. The idea behind the hearts was that one heart would be given to a Covid-19 patient in hospital and another heart would go to their family, so that those who couldn’t be visited by family felt slight comfort knowing that they aren’t forgotten or alone.
Service users have also joined forces with a local craft group at Mexborough Library to knit and crochet 18 baby blankets and 150 baby hats, which were donated to neonatal units at three local hospitals. Another project was to make up 60 gift bags which were donated to two local nursing homes. Each gift bag contained a handmade card, hand sewn love heart, pen and refreshments.
Last but not least one of the ladies organised a collection for a local Women’s refuge. Donations included women’s clothes, children’s clothes, shoes, toiletries, toys and long life food. These were then donated to and gratefully received by a women’s refuge in Barnsley.
Further donations to the refuge are planned in the future. Indeed one of the ladies said, “We have even more projects up our sleeves, including helping food banks and raising money for Young Minds charity. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed all of it and it has been a fantastic distraction for us here at Cygnet Aspen Clinic during the pandemic. I feel proud of myself and my fellow residents, especially after I spent time in hospital with Covid-19 and I saw first-hand the hearts and bands being used by those caring for me. It has all helped me feel a sense of achievement knowing that even though I can’t go out and volunteer, I’m still doing my bit to help.”
Tracy Deakin, Therapy Coordinator added, “Getting involved in charity work is something that is really enjoyed here at Cygnet Aspen Clinic. Staff and our service users have been touched by the appreciation we have received and this is something we look forward to carrying on in the future and we are always looking for different charities to work with.”