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Cygnet Elms service users join the Britain’s Got Talent audience

On Wednesday 25th January three service users from Cygnet Elms travelled from Birmingham down to the London Palladium to experience being part of the Britain’s Got Talent audience.

Service users and staff enjoyed the variety of acts that were shown. Whilst they were there they even got to witness one of the golden buzzer acts, which was absolutely incredible. The most memorable part though was getting to see Simon Cowell and the rest of the judges in person.

All of the service users were so excited for this trip as none of them had had the opportunity to visit London before. Easy Reads were used beforehand to explain to each service user where they were going and what it would look like. This proved to be extremely helpful in reducing any anxieties they had.

“The whole day was great and I really enjoyed being able to go to London.”Service user, Cygnet Elms

Once down there, they all got to explore Oxford Street and visit shops they had never had the opportunity to before. After shopping and lunch in McDonalds, they all made themselves comfortable in their seats and sat back to enjoy the show. Every single person was engaged and excited to be there, which just added to the amazing experience they all shared. It will be something that both service users and staff never forget.

“It was an amazing experience and something I was proud to be a part of.”Service user, Cygnet Elms

Staff felt such pride for their service users during the whole day and it was heart-warming to hear how much the service users enjoyed it.

“I loved seeing all of the different acts.”Service user, Cygnet Elms

The trip was organised by Riccardo Brade, Cygnet Elms’ Therapy Coordinator, who said: “I enjoy creating opportunities for service users to experience things they may never have had the chance to do. I’d like to thank the Occupatinal Therapy team and the wider multidisciplinary team for supporting the go ahead of this trip. I think it has been a huge success and something which the service users will never forget.”

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