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Cygnet Hospital Bury’s Mulberry Ward achieves Quality Network for Inpatient CAMHS (QNIC) accreditation

Cygnet Hospital Bury’s Mulberry Ward has achieved accreditation from the Quality Network for Inpatient CAMHS (QNIC) having met 95% of the 296 standards. Mulberry Ward is the only low secure CAMHS service in the country to gain QNIC accreditation.

The Quality Network for Inpatient CAMHS is a quality improvement network run by the Royal College of Psychiatrists’ College Centre for Quality Improvement (CCQI). It is a national project developed to ensure best practice is being achieved in inpatient CAMHS services.

Amongst other things the peer review team assess standards of care, current facilities, standards of documentation and health records, environmental facilities, and staff training qualifications, support and supervision. As part of the accreditation process the peer review team interviewed staff, parents and the young people on Mulberry Ward.

Amongst the many areas of achievement in the report are the following:

  • The review team were particularly impressed with the physical environment that was made to feel welcoming and homely.
  • The young people felt safe on the ward.
  • The young people reported that some of the staff were ‘absolutely amazing’.
  • The young people on Mulberry Ward were happy with the activities timetable and the range of groups, sessions and activities it includes.
  • The young people were involved in designing new information leaflets for the service.
  • Parents reported receiving a daily update from the nursing team over the phone and a weekly phone call from the psychiatrist.
  • Parents felt listened to by the staff on the unit and that staff respected their rights and opinions.
  • Parents said that staff were continually keeping them updated about their child’s discharge arrangements.
  • Staff felt that there is a good sense of teamwork and that there is good staff morale amongst the team.

“We are very proud of each and every member of the team on Mulberry Ward. Having other experts within Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services come to meet us, the young people and families to participate in the process and acknowledge the team’s commitment and compassion towards the recovery of the young people we look really validates what we do.”Suki Tshuma, Clinical Services Manager

Following Mulberry Ward’s successful accreditation two members of the Cygnet Hospital Bury team, consultant psychiatrist Dr Laurie Van Niekerk and clinical service manager Suki Tshuma, were invited by the QNIC team to share their accreditation journey at a recent QNIC training event in Birmingham.

Well done to Laurie, Suki and the rest of the Mulberry Ward team for this excellent result!

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