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Cygnet Hospital Hexham upgraded to ‘Good’ in latest CQC report

The team at Cygnet Hospital Hexham

Well done to the team at Cygnet Hospital Hexham who have seen the hospital’s rating upgraded from ‘Inadequate’ to ‘Good’ following the latest inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

Cygnet Hospital Hexham is a 27 bed mental health facility in the Tyne valley. The hospital provides mental health acute and specialist PICU services for women with complex mental health needs.

The latest inspection was a comprehensive inspection on 15th-16th March 2022 looking at all five key lines of enquiry. Significant improvements were identified in the ‘Effective’ and ‘Well Led’ domains and as a result the service achieved an overall ‘Good’ rating.

The full report, published on the CQC website, highlights many areas of positive practice, including:

  • Staff developed a comprehensive care plan for each service user that met their mental and physical health needs.
  • Staff were preparing for becoming a non-smoking site in October 2022 and were working closely with smoking cessation.
  • The service had access to a full range of specialists to meet the needs of the service users on the ward.
  • The ward team(s) had effective working relationships with other relevant teams within the organisation and with relevant services outside the organisation.
  • A snack and chat group had been introduced each evening to give service users the chance to discuss any concerns or complaints.
  • Staff were discreet, respectful, and responsive when caring for service users.
  • Staff directed service users to other services and supported them to access those services if they needed help. This included attending appointments for physical healthcare and using the local facilities.
  • The design, layout, and furnishings of the ward supported service users’ treatment, privacy and dignity.
  • Staff felt respected, supported and valued. They said the organisation promoted equality and diversity in daily work and provided opportunities for development and career progression.

Brian Cranna, CQC’s head of hospital inspection, said, “When inspectors re-visited Cygnet Hospital Hexham, it was clear that the new team and leadership were delivering good care to women at the new services provided. We found managers at all levels had the right skills and abilities to run a service providing high-quality care. They were enthusiastic and passionate about the improvements they had made.”

Anthony Saiger, Hospital Manager, said, “We are over the moon with the outcome, staff have shown admirable dedication and motivation to provide an excellent, supportive environment for our service users.”

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