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Cygnet Hospital Stevenage’s Carers Meet and Greet Event

The team at Cygnet Hospital Stevenage recently held a Meet and Greet event for carers which was attended by carers, family members, service users and staff.

Delivered in a relaxed and informal setting, the purpose of the event was part of the hospital’s drive to improve communication with carers and increase information sharing.

The event was attended by representatives of different staff disciplines including nursing, social work, occupational therapy, psychology, support staff and senior management.

The event was a great success with family, carers and friends mingling with staff and loved ones. There was the opportunity to chat to staff, find out more about their roles and how each team works with the service users. There were also information boards and leaflets about the different kind of therapies on offer at the hospital.

All the visitors who attended completed feedback forms and each one rated the event as 5/5. There was a request for further events over the course of the year and so the next one is now being planned for Easter. One carer even volunteered to get more involved by helping organise a charity raffle for the next event.

Thank you to all the staff who were involved in planning the event and making it a success.

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