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Cygnet Lodge Kenton achieves AIMS reaccreditation

Cygnet Lodge Kenton

Congratulations to the team at Cygnet Lodge Kenton who have successfully achieved their AIMS (Accreditation of Inpatient Mental Health Services) rehabilitation reaccreditation from the Royal College of Psychiatrists.

AIMS is a national project that works with staff, service users and carers to improve the quality of in-patient mental health rehabilitation services. Amongst other things the AIMS peer review team assess standards of care, current facilities, standards of documentation and health records, environmental facilities, and staff training qualifications, support and supervision.

In their most recent review the service met 95% of the 177 standards it was measured against. The feedback that was received from the peer review team found the following as particularly noteworthy areas of achievement:

  • Service users reported that staff at Cygnet Lodge Kenton were very helpful and welcoming, particularly the manager.
  • It was evident to the review team that Cygnet Lodge Kenton have a passionate and cohesive team.
  • The review team were impressed with the range of recovery stories and notice boards on display, comfortable clean and the welcoming atmosphere on the ward.
  • The review team liked that service user representatives are invited to the monthly operational meeting where discussion about changes to the ward environment are discussed also.
  • There was evidence of good practice with assessments, referrals, and a robust admission process.
  • Confidentiality was embedded in everyday work, meetings, activities and in the group agreement.

Unnati Pathak, Project Officer of the AIMS Rehab Peer Review Team, said, “It was an absolute pleasure to have reviewed your service, you have some great initiatives and systems in place. The care that you deliver is patient centred and recognised by your service users as such.”

Cygnet Lodge Kenton, in North-West London, is a female high dependency inpatient rehabilitation service that provides a care pathway for service users who are preparing to step down and help bridge the gap between hospital stays and community living. The service provides a high level of support and uses a recovery focused model.

To find out more information about the service please visit the Cygnet Lodge Kenton page.

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