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Cygnet Raglan House’s Sanctuary upgrade

The therapy team at Cygnet Raglan House recently held an opening ceremony to celebrate a revamp of the hospital’s Sanctuary room.

The room has a mural of a beautiful waterfall landscape allowing visualisation, mindfulness and relaxation sessions to be effective. In another corner of the room, service users have decorated a wall with their hands, decorated with what makes up their identity. This corner offers service users a space to practice their spiritual and religious beliefs.

On the other side of the room, the wall is decorated with astro-turf, sequins, a blackboard for doodling and the words CALM decorated in different textures. This wall was designed by the Occupational Therapists for service users to utilise some of the tactile sensory strategies the wall offers during sessions or 1:1 time in the sanctuary.

In another corner of the room there is a doodling station where staff and service users can add a part of their imagination to the A3 sheet that will be framed around the unit. There are also activity packs available for service users to utilise whilst in the Sanctuary.

The room provides a safe place for service users to engage in their sensory strategy sessions, aromatherapy, relaxation or just a place to take 5 minutes from the ward environment. It is a space for service users to meaningfully engage in their sensory strategies developed in their OT sessions.

Cygnet Raglan House is a 25 bed high dependency inpatient rehabilitation hospital for women. The service is designed to provide an environment which promotes mental health recovery by focusing on space, personal privacy and dignity.

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