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Cygnet Sedgley House and Lodge hails the success of Music 2 Empower programme

A service user at Cygnet Sedgley House and Lodge has written a song and starred in his own rap music video as part of Cygnet’s Music 2 Empower programme. 21-year-old Ajman Idris was able to film a music video for one of his songs, called ‘Lifeless’, with a professional film crew.

Cygnet Health Care launched the ‘Music 2 Empower’ initiative on World Mental Health Day 2019 and has since rolled out the programme across its hospitals, supporting music therapy related projects throughout the organisation and allowing talented services users to showcase their abilities, give hope, inspire others and benefit from this well-established psychological approach.

Ajman said: “Listening to music relaxes me and puts me in a more confident headspace. A lot of the staff and service-users at Cygnet have heard the music I’ve written and they seem to really like it, which gives me a real sense of achievement.”

“I find the staff at Cygnet inspirational and they help a lot of service-users to pursue the things we care about. For me, that’s music. The staff are there to help us achieve our dreams but I also want to encourage others to always take that first step towards your goals because nobody can do that for you.”

Manisha Mahey, Occupational Therapist at Cygnet Sedgley House, said Ajman’s lyrics had inspired other patients with similar experiences. She said: “For Ajman, music allows him to express himself and process how he’s feeling in a positive way. Rapping about his experiences and the difficulties he has faced during his adult life has helped him to develop his confidence and feel hopeful about his future.”

Since the beginning of the pandemic, Cygnet Sedgley House and Lodge have pursued musical projects as a way to bring people together. The hospital now has a choir which recently learned to sing ‘Stand by Me’. “The song was perfect because it reflected the way that everyone was supporting each other during a really difficult time for staff and service-users,” said Manisha.

Cygnet Sedgley House and Cygnet Sedgley Lodge offer a 34-bed high dependency inpatient rehabilitation service for men with complex needs. The service is designed to provide an environment that promotes mental health recovery by focusing on space, personal privacy and dignity. It is rated Good by the Care Quality Commission.

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