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Cygnet St William’s rated ‘Good’ by the Care Quality Commission

Well done to the team at Cygnet St William’s, our specialist neuropsychiatric rehabilitation service in Darlington, which has been rated ‘Good’ across all categories by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

Cygnet St William’s is a 12 bed Neuropsychiatric service offering care and treatment to those affected by acquired brain injuries. It can also help those who are diagnosed with a progressive neurological disease, like Huntington’s Disease.

Cygnet St Wiliam’s opened in early 2019 and this was the service’s second inspection by the CQC. The inspection took place on 8th and 9th March 2022 and looked at all five key lines of enquiry. Improvements were found in the ‘Safe’ domain and as a result the hospital achieved a ‘Good’ rating in all areas.

The full report, published on the CQC website, highlights many areas of positive practice, including:

  • Service users were very positive about the staff and the care they received.
  • Four carers of service users were highly complementary about the service and staff. They felt involved in their family member’s care and had regular communication with the team.
  • Carers described the staff as ‘amazing’, ‘going the extra mile’ and ‘that they really want the best for each patient’.
  • Care plans reflected service users’ assessed needs, and were personalised, holistic and recovery oriented.
  • Staff helped service users live healthier lives by supporting them to take part in programmes or giving advice. This included specific eating plans from the dietician through to healthy menus devised by the full-time chef or staff assisting the service users’ with shop and cook sessions as an activity.
  • Managers made sure staff received any specialist training for their role this included a neuropsychiatry workbook for all new staff including agency at the start of working on the ward.
  • Staff said they enjoyed working as part of a team and were very proud of the service users’ improvements over time as a result of the care they received at Cygnet St Williams.
  • Staff achieved the right balance between maintaining safety and providing the least restrictive environment possible in order to facilitate service users’ recovery.

Alison King, Hospital Manager, said, “Following our recent inspection I am pleased to say we have received a solid good across the board. Areas of improvement identified in our previous inspection have been addressed and completed. All the staff at Cygnet St William’s have worked well to maintain good standards within the service. Our service users are very well looked after and we are proud of a number of successful discharges over recent months.”

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