Cygnet Views is a 10 bed high dependency complex care service in Matlock, Derbyshire, for women with learning disabilities, associated complex needs and who may have behaviours that challenge.
The latest inspection was an unannounced comprehensive inspection across three days in March 2022 looking at all five key lines of enquiry. Significant improvements were identified in the ‘Safe’, ‘Effective’, ‘Caring’ and ‘Well Led’ domains and as a result the service achieved a ‘Good’ rating in all five key lines of enquiry.
The full report, published on the CQC website, highlights many areas of positive practice, including:
- Service users spoke highly of staff and the care they received. They said staff were always available to talk with and supported them when needed.
- Staff used the principles of stopping over-medication of individuals with a learning disability and autistic people (STOMP) to only administer medicine that benefitted an individual’s recovery or as part of ongoing treatment.
- Staff developed a comprehensive care plan for each person that met their mental and physical health needs. Care plans were personalised, holistic and strengths based.
- Service users took part in a range of activities including education with Maths and English classes held at the hospital.
- Service users had opportunities to do jobs in the hospital which they received a reward for and they said this helped to promote their wellbeing.
- Staff made sure service users had access to physical health care, including specialists as required. Service users had access to well woman checks and tests to ensure they were healthy.
- Staff used technology to support individuals to stay connected with their families when they were unable to see them face-to-face.
- Service users were empowered to feedback on their care and support.
Claire Bradford, Hospital Manager, led the team to achieve the new rating and spoke proudly saying: “We are delighted that Cygnet Views has been given a ‘Good’ rating. Our team has worked tirelessly to implement the recommendations made by the CQC since their inspection last year and it is fantastic to see that this hard work has paid off. This new rating reflects the excellent quality of care we offer at Cygnet Views and I’m particularly proud that the positive feedback from service-users and their families was highlighted in the report.”
For more information about Cygnet Views please click here.