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Cygnet’s Social Care services start their QI journeys

The team at Walkern Lodge with their QI Ready plaque
The team at Walkern Lodge with their QI Ready plaque
Last month was an exciting time for our Quality Improvement (QI) programme with the first three of our Social Care sites across Cygnet getting QI projects up and running and achieving QI Ready status.

A huge congratulations to the teams at Cygnet Wallace Hospital, Walkern Lodge and Chaseways for receiving this status and for being so engaging with QI at their sites and within their teams.

The team at Cygnet Wallace Hospital with their QI Ready plaque
The team at Cygnet Wallace Hospital with their QI Ready plaque

Cygnet Wallace Hospital are working on a QI project around reducing incidents of aggression. Whilst Walkern Lodge and Chaseways are both doing similar project topics around improving ‘Social inclusion within the Community’ following Covid and lockdown. They will be looking at measuring resident engagement within activities and hoping to also improve their resident and carers’ experience.

The team at Chaseways with their QI Ready plaque
The team at Chaseways with their QI Ready plaque

Beatrice Nyamande, Operations Director for Walkern Lodge and Chaseways, said “I am really pleased that both services have achieved QI ready status. Both service managers have been supported by the QI regional lead Haley, to achieve this status and l am looking forward to the QI project outcomes on community reintegration that they are working on.

“Residents in both services have already began to experience positive outcomes from some of the initial QI project actions.”

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