Following a consultation with Cygnet staff and stakeholders, we have developed our brand accordingly and are pleased to share that from today we will have both a Cygnet Health Care and Cygnet Social Care identity and logo, with an overarching Cygnet identity as our umbrella brand.
The development of the Cygnet brand allows our visual identity to more accurately represent the distinct provision in our Health and Social Care services.
We believe this will give greater recognition to each division, both internally and externally, whilst still carrying our overarching Cygnet name which is widely recognised and well regarded. In particular it gives our Social Care services a brand and logo that better reflects their unique identity.
Across all Cygnet services we remain committed to delivering the highest standards of safe, quality care and, following a staff vote we are unified under our new strapline: “Improving Lives Together”.
This was the overwhelming winner as it accurately explains our unifying purpose, the reason our colleagues choose to be part of Cygnet and is equally relevant to those who use our services too.
Our website has now been updated to reflect our brand development, including separate access into our Health Care and Social Care services. The homepage, which can now be found at, is now easier to navigate. The rollout of the brand will be gradual so not everything will change overnight. Changes to the Cygnet Health Care identity will be minimal whilst we hope the visibility of the new Cygnet Social Care identity will give more prominence to those services around the country.
The brand development does not have any impact on current commissioning or contract arrangements, nor does it affect the operational provision of our services or our organisational staffing structure. Cygnet remains very much one organisation operating under the existing Executive Management Board and senior leadership team.