The school was praised in every area in the newly-released report, which remarked on the relationships between the school and the wider MDT and commented that “this strong partnership ensures that pupils make a good recovery.”
Inspectors visited last month and their report notes that although many of the young people have typically missed a lot of education owing to their mental health needs, “the school focuses on helping pupils to catch up, regain their confidence, acquire skills and, where possible, gain qualifications.”
Jennifer Almond, the Headteacher praised the hard work and dedication of the staff team at Excel and Exceed Centre, and stated that it is their commitment to provide a high quality education to improve the life chances of young people which has led to this ‘good’ rating.
The report states: “Relationships between pupils and staff are strong. Pupils trust and grow in confidence. They overcome personal barriers and achieve success in their learning.”
“The school is rigorous in keeping all pupils safe. Leaders are meticulous in ensuring that pupils receive superb care. Pupils’ well-being and recovery are a priority for the whole staff team.”
Jennifer Almond, the Headteacher said that the eventual goal of the school is to become ‘outstanding’ and added: “Excel and Exceed Centre is immensely passionate about the well-being and aspirations of young people admitted to Cygnet Hospital Bury and the school will continue to develop is offering to ensure that young people receive high quality teaching and learning opportunities in a safe, nurturing environment.”