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First service user-led QI project approved

Miles with Cygnet Brunel Hospital Manager, Steph Coxon

At the recent South Regional Quality Improvement (QI) Forum we reached a big milestone on our Cygnet QI journey, as the first project to be fully written and led by a service user was approved!

Miles, a service user from Cygnet Brunel, our specialist neuropsychiatric service in Bristol, attended the forum with the support of the Hospital Manager Steph Coxon and presented their project proposal via a Zoom link.

The project at Cygnet Brunel will be focussing on the introduction of service user led activity sessions. Some of the change ideas they have considered are:

  • Developing a nomination and voting monthly system for service users/families/carers to nominate their idols and superheroes and for all to be able to vote for the theme of the activities that month
  • Introduce a full week of activities led by the Service User whose idol has been chosen that month. They will be supported by the MDT to develop and deliver the programme

The service users at Cygnet Brunel will be measuring the success of their project through service user participation of the activities as well as asking for satisfaction feedback every month from their peers and asking other stakeholders for feedback on the effectiveness and efficiency of the planning and executing process.

They hope their project will help to contribute further to the community environment being encouraged at Cygnet Brunel, and improve engagement from their peers and supporting care pathways.

Miles said, “I believe projects like this will enhance service users’ recovery to reduce the hospital environment setting and make it more family orientated.”

Well done to Miles and thank you to the Hospital Manager Steph Coxon for being so supportive and ensuring QI is inclusive at site! We look forward to sharing the learning from the project.

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