The Recovery College concept initially was developed from a CQUIN target set for secure forensic services. Recovery Colleges offer co-developed and co-facilitated education courses with service users about mental health and recovery, to empower people to become an expert in their recovery.
“The day was well thought out and clearly put the hospital’s service users at the centre of it.”Sally Gendle, Operations Support Manager
The agenda was led and focussed around service users. It included service users talking about their Recovery Journey so far, along with musical and drama performances. The day also involved inspirational talks by Ian Callaghan (Recovery and Outcomes Manager, Rethink), Raf Hamaizia (Cygnet Expert by Experience) and Michael Humes (Expert by Experience).
“We laughed, we partnered, we listened to inspirational talks.”DM, Service user, Cygnet Hospital Godden Green
The launch ended with peers having the opportunity to sign up to courses and being presented with a Recovery College file box which included a prospectus and personalised Recovery College pen and notepad.
“Today I have been inspired and would like to thank Yasemin, Douglas, Danmore, Petra, Haley and Hayley for all their incredible efforts.”Mark Scally, Operations Director
The Recovery College’s prospectus includes 13 courses that are running for the first term and already two of these have launched and have had great interest.
A big thank you to all those who were involved in the planning and co-production of the Recovery College and the launch event.