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Cygnet Hospital Godden Green scores 97% in Quality Network review

Cygnet Hospital Godden Green

Cygnet Hospital Godden Green’s Saltwood Ward has scored 97% in a review by the Quality Network for Forensic Mental Health Services. Saltwood Ward is a low secure service for men that operates in a partnership with Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust.

Saltwood Ward achieved 100% ratings in nine of the 11 areas assessed, these were, ‘Admission’, ‘Recovery’, ‘Physical Health Care’, ‘Discharge’, ‘Physical Security’, ‘Relational Security’, ‘Procedural Security’, ‘Service Environment’ and ‘Equalities’.

Cygnet Hospital Godden Green's allotment - the service was praised for its outdoor spaces by the review team.
Cygnet Hospital Godden Green’s allotment – the service was praised for its outdoor spaces by the review team.
The 97% score is the outcome of a peer review visit to the hospital on 11th February 2016. The peer review team were given a tour of the hospital led by service users and stated, “the team were impressed with the heartening feedback from the patients about the positive relationships they have with staff and support from the groups on their physical and mental health”. One service user interviewed by the review team said, “they really care about us”.

“Achieving 97% compliance, with a 3% increase from last year’s score is a clear demonstration of the continued dedication and hard work the Saltwood team have put in over the year. Service user satisfaction and team cohesion have been the highlight of this year’s review. Well done Saltwood team.”Petra Nkomo – Interim Clinical Services Manager

The Quality Network review identified the following areas as key strengths and achievements:

  • The unit strives and achieves strong working and therapeutic relationships from patient’s families and community teams.
  • Excellent program of activities for its patients, including good indoor and outdoor facilities and sessions.
  • A full assessment of both physical and mental health needs.
  • There is clear evidence of the service providing individual patient focused recovery pathways.
  • CCTV is used to assist and support any investigations.
  • All staff receives Security training as part of their induction, which is based upon See, Think, Act principles.
  • The service has a number of policies, which govern procedural security, including Observation, Anti-Bullying, Searching and Obtaining Consent.
  • The ward environment is bright and spacious, and has been decorated to a high standard, with patient input.
  • Staffs have access to fortnightly reflective practice sessions and development meetings.
  • The service offers great support to friends and families of patients through the carer’s group.

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