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Hollyhurst upgraded to ‘Good’ in latest CQC report

The Hollyhurst team

Well done to the team at Hollyhurst who have seen the service’s rating upgraded to ‘Good’ following the latest inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

Hollyhurst is a specialist residential service with nursing, supporting individuals with learning disabilities and complex needs in Darlington, County Durham. The nurse-led team support individuals who have additional mental or physical health needs and behaviours that may challenge.

The latest inspection was an unannounced inspection between 31 January and 2 February 2023. In addition to speaking to staff the CQC inspectors also spoke with five residents at the service and two relatives.

The inspection focused on three key lines of enquiry. Improvements were identified in the ‘Safe’, ‘Responsive’ and ‘Well Led’ domains and as a result the service now has a good rating across all five domains.

The full report, published on the CQC website, highlights many areas of positive practice, including:

  • Residents commented on the positive atmosphere and caring attitudes of staff. Residents led inclusive and empowered lives because of the ethos, values, attitudes and behaviours of the management and staff.
  • Staff helped residents to have freedom of choice and control over what they did. Staff actively encouraged residents to decide what they wanted to do and used a variety of communication styles to support individuals to express their wishes.
  • The psychologist was working in partnership with the local council to arrange to host an event in the town centre, which would provide a whole range of stimulating activities residents from the service as well as members of the general public could join in.
  • Residents were supported to regularly participate in their chosen social and leisure interests. They could go shopping when they wanted, to the community centre, pubs, to other local facilities and join local community events. One resident said, “I go out all the time and today I’m off to do woodwork at the centre. I’m making bird boxes but really enjoyed making things for Christmas.”
  • The service ensured resident’s behaviour was not controlled by excessive and inappropriate use of medicines. Staff understood and implemented the principles of STOMP (stopping over-medication of people with a learning disability, autism or both).
  • There was a positive culture that promoted good outcomes. The registered manager and wider management team had worked hard to improve the culture in the home.
  • Staff had improved how information was shared with residents, and methods for gauging their understanding, so that residents could be involved in a meaningful way. One resident told inspectors, “We always get asked about what we want and I think they listen to us.”

Tinisha Taylor, Service Manager, said, “None of this would have been possible without the hard work and dedication of our exceptional team at Hollyhurst. We are incredibly proud of their unwavering commitment to providing compassionate care and support to our residents, and we are grateful for their tireless efforts in achieving this well-deserved ‘Good’ rating from the CQC.”

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